My Career Work
The development of my career has taken me to various places and has allowed me to work a number of organisations.

This realization came during:
…the days when I entrusted my own son to the care of local day care centers. While observing the children playing with broken toys, singing church songs instead of nursery rhymes, and spending more time sleeping than learning, I felt a deep sense of concern stirring in my soul.”

Tswelope Birth
During the moments when I witnessed the challenges faced by children first-hand, the idea of Tswelopele Kids Inc. was born within me.
Motivated by a desire to make a meaningful difference, I started a mission to overhaul early childhood development in our communities.
“The journey was not an easy one. It was filled with numerous hurdles and obstacles. However, each challenge only increased my determination to succeed. I remember spending days working alongside committed day care center principals, all of us striving to build a better system from the ground up.”
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My Work
Over the years I have done work with various organisations in and outside of the townships.
Super Fathers
First annual Super-hero Father's day in Orange Farm. We organised a bunch of dads including Jabu Stone and Naughty Maluleka.
Little Lamb Day
This is Sizanani Day Care that's based in Meadowlands (Soweto), south of Johannesburg. I took part in a 12 month mentorship program (2014 ).
Pennyville Day
Care Cetre
Pennyville Day Care that is located in Randburg (Gauteng), south of Johannesburg. I took part in a 6 month mentorship program (2015).
Open for Business
A Richard Branson concept for entrepreneurs. This to took place at Alexandre township, north of Johannesburg in Gauteng.
ECD Workshop
My partnership with the Greater Soweto Association for Early Childhood Development facilitated in collaboration with numerous daycare centers across Soweto